Roberson Improved Gold Body - Gilding

Use to raise surfaces where an embossed design is required before laying gold leaf or bronze powders. Apply with a soft brush. Allow to become just tacky before laying gold leaf or bronze powders.
Application: apply with a soft brush. Once applied it should reach a dry tack (similar to sellotape) in around 10 - 20 minutes before it can be gilded on. The size will remain "open" for a short time and if it dries out to much can be re-activated by breathing directly over the applied size. Allow as long as possible for the size to "cure" before handling the gilded item.
Please note the drying time will depend on the surrounding conditions. If it's cold, it will take longer to reach a dry tack and then fully dry. If its hot, it may dry quicker and not remain "open" as long as desired.