Paper / Card 書寫紙簿

山櫻 一筆箋 伝書紙no.4 (Japan Dotted Message Paper)

Regular price HK$38.00

「Tomoe River Mat」是一種用於字典的紙。其特徵是薄而輕。雖然紙張很薄但很堅固,不易滲色,與鋼筆相容。

20張 / 尺寸:17.2 x 8.6cm

"Tomoe River Mat" is a type of paper used in dictionaries. It is characterized by being thin and light. Although the paper is thin, it is strong, does not bleed easily, and is compatible with fountain pens.

20 sheets / Size: 17.2 x 8.6cm

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