Paper / Card 書寫紙簿

山櫻 一筆箋 伝書紙no.1 (Japan Message Card)

Regular price HK$38.00

這是一張由日本山櫻原創名片紙「Sakura CoC025」製成的留言紙其特點是光滑度高、方角銳利、密度高防止扭曲。設計具有壓花飾面。與鋼筆相容可以垂直和水平使用。

20張 / 尺寸:17.2 x 8.6cm

      This is a message paper made from Japan's Yamazakura original "Sakura CoC025". It is characterized by its smoothness, sharp square corners, high density, and the ability to prevent distortion. Embossed frame design. Compatible with fountain pens and can be used both portrait and horizontally.

      20 sheets / Size: 17.2 x 8.6cm

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